Monday, February 6, 2012


Some people wish to marry Angelina Jolie,
 others to buy a Ferrari
 and others to win the lottery.

My only wish now is waste my time
doing what I came here to do:
learn English,
instead of wasting my time
preparing a birthday party for food.

Ps.: Next week I'll display an explicative picture

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A sad Sunday,
Actually it wasn’t sad; it was a boring and lazy day.
My friends were all out enjoying the valuable shining sun… And I’m here trying to find inspiration from anywhere to write a paper!!!
I read, read, read and can’t write.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hi there!
I'm very impressed with the beauty of Vancouver.
Since my arriving here I’ve been seeing rain, snow and rain again! Sometimes in different orders…
I live in a country where we have the shining sun along all the year and it is uncomfortable the lack of the blue sky.  On this way, when the sun appeared yesterday it brought me energy. I was sick, because the abrupt change of temperature causes me allergy, and even so I walked and walked for a couple of hours and I did not want to go home. It was not happiness; I just wanted to observe for the first time each point of the city with the incidence of luminosity.  Vancouver was for me yesterday like a special painting that we do not become tired of observing, or rather, an authentic work of art which we can’t take our eyes off.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Irati has lent its blue sky to Vancouver.

Amazing  sunny day in British Columbia winter!
I'm really sick and do need to rest now, therefore, HERE IN VANCOUVER NOW is late.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hi there!
Today I’ve received news of my family in Brazil.
My sister told me that one of my loves, Humbert is sick. After the trip to her house he got an infection in his ears. The vet gave him some medicines and Humb has been taking them twice a day, everyday for ten days… poor him.

Meanwhile he is receiving his godmother’s attention and care:

Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hi there!
The passing days have been a challenge for me.
It is difficult such a radical change to live in a different culture. Two things are especially hard to deal: food and weather. I really do not like food here, because the tastes are completely diverse from the ones in my country. I have not been eating correctly since my arriving and as a result I got sick.  I’ve been taking medicines and becoming better each day. Weather is also driving me crazy. I’ve been living inside a refrigerator here in Raincouver, I mean, Vancouver, but I’d like to be in the beach of my profile’s picture.
On the other, I can notice that I’m learning and it is amazing! School is nice and teachers are wonderful! I really love to spend my days there, but I’ll explore it more on another post.
Here two pictures that inspires my homesickness.     

Hi there!
I've just open a blog for the first time
I count on with your visit!