Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hi there!
I'm very impressed with the beauty of Vancouver.
Since my arriving here I’ve been seeing rain, snow and rain again! Sometimes in different orders…
I live in a country where we have the shining sun along all the year and it is uncomfortable the lack of the blue sky.  On this way, when the sun appeared yesterday it brought me energy. I was sick, because the abrupt change of temperature causes me allergy, and even so I walked and walked for a couple of hours and I did not want to go home. It was not happiness; I just wanted to observe for the first time each point of the city with the incidence of luminosity.  Vancouver was for me yesterday like a special painting that we do not become tired of observing, or rather, an authentic work of art which we can’t take our eyes off.


  1. Deniz,are you all right?
    Have you been sick until now?
    Take care---

  2. Yes, I've been sick; lack of vitamins, anemia and allergy. But I’ve been taking medicines and becoming better. Thanks for asking!
    We have to schedule our Portuguese conversation!!!

    1. Sounds good, but take care!
      Yes, I want to have Portuguese conversation!
      Please help me to improve the skill:) Thanks!
