Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hi there!
The passing days have been a challenge for me.
It is difficult such a radical change to live in a different culture. Two things are especially hard to deal: food and weather. I really do not like food here, because the tastes are completely diverse from the ones in my country. I have not been eating correctly since my arriving and as a result I got sick.  I’ve been taking medicines and becoming better each day. Weather is also driving me crazy. I’ve been living inside a refrigerator here in Raincouver, I mean, Vancouver, but I’d like to be in the beach of my profile’s picture.
On the other, I can notice that I’m learning and it is amazing! School is nice and teachers are wonderful! I really love to spend my days there, but I’ll explore it more on another post.
Here two pictures that inspires my homesickness.     


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahahahaha!
    Seteve doesn't hate you!
    (He is just strict in his class.)

    At first I don't like this city but these days, I am not.
    Although whether is terrible, I can meet amazing people!
    cheer up! ^^

    1. I know yeonjhin that is a matter of time to enjoy this city. Let's hope!
      See you!

  3. I'm the guy in the middle of this two beatiful women.
